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Business License
  • BSCI
    This is an extract of the on line Audit Report.The complete report is available in the amfori BSCI Platform. Access, for entitled users only.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any, means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the amfori consent.This is an extract of the amfori BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the amfori BSCI Platform. © amfori, 2018 - The English version is the legally binding One. There were total 6 buildings in the facility premise. All buildings were owned by the landlord. The auditee rented one 2-storey building (No.2) for production and warehouse, the 2nd floor of another 2-storey building (No.1) for office, production and warehouse, the 1st floor of another 3-storey building for canteen and kitchen. All other buildings were used by other two facilities and one trading office. One 2-storey building (No.3) and the 1st floor of one 2-storey building (No.1)were used by facility A, and the main products were aluminum material; Another one 2-storey building (No.4) was used by facility B, the main products were heater mat; One 2-storey building (No.5) was used as office by facility C, it was a trade company. And the other one small flat building was for security room. The canteen and kitchen was located at the ground floor of one 3-storey building (2F and 3F were in idle). The lease contract and business license of landlord was provided for review. These facilities were independent from employees and management. No business relationship between with them. All workers were directly hired by the auditee and no subcontracted labor.All production process were completed in the facility and no process was subcontracted by other facilities. The management team of the facility provides the support to the audit team so that the audit could be carried out in good co-operation status. The management was agreed with all the findings.The main products manufactured by the facility were Earplugs. The main production processes were: mixing, injection, PU earplug making, printing,assembling, inspecting and packaging. No obvious peak season was in the factory.Remark: The security was managed by landlord. There were no agencies or Contractor used by the auditee at present, the facility did not get anygovernment waivers from local government and did not sign Collective bargaining agreements with workers, so that above mentioned attachments were not applicable for the specific auditee.Lead Auditor Angie Dong's APSCA Membership number: CSCA 21702435. Edison Li , ASCA 21701814
    May 10,2023
Product Certificates
  • ES3119 CE Testing Report
    The type examination proofed that the test samples fulfil the basic health and safety requirements of Annex II of theDirective 8o/686/EEC.This certificate is only valid in conjunction with the following annex (2 pages). This document will be invalid in cases ofegal amendment of the assessment basis at latest by 14 August 2022.Die Baumusterprtifung hat ergeben, dass die Prtifmuster die grundlegenden Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsanforderungendes Anhangs II der Richtlinie 8g/686/EWG erfullen.Diese Bescheinigung ist nur giiltig in Verbindung mit dem folgenden Anhang (2 Seiten) Mit Anderung derBewertungsgrundlage, bzw. sptestens zum 14. August 2022 wird dieses Dokument ungiiltig.Construction / Konstruktion Re-usable, pre-formed earplug made of silicone with three fins, in three different coloursWieder verwendbarer, vorgeformfer Gehrschutzstopsel aus Silikon mit drei Lamellen, in drei verschiedenen FarbenWearing in particular orientation / Tragevorgabe Marking RIGHT / LEFT: noKennzeichnung RECHTS /LINKS: keineSizing/GropeDiameter 7 - 14 mmDurchmnesser 7 - 14 mm
    May 24,2023
  • ES3123 CE Testing Report
    The type examination proofed that the test samples fulfil the basic health and safety requirements of Annex II of theDirective 8g/686/EEC.This certificate is only valid in conjunction with the following annex (2 page). This document will be invalid in cases oflegal amendment of the assessment basis at latest by 14 August 2022.Die Baumusterprtifung hat ergeben, dass die Prtifmuster die grundlegenden Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsanforderungendes Anhangs II der Richtlinie 8g/686/EWG erfuillen.Diese Bescheinigung ist nur gtiltig in Verbindung mit dem folgenden Anhang (2 Seite). Mit Anderung derBewertungsgrundlage, bzw. spatestens zum 14 August 2022 wird dieses Dokument ungtiltig.Construction / KonstruktionRe-usable, pre-formed earplug made of silicone with three fins, in two different coloursWieder veruendbarer, vorgeformter Gehorschutzstopsel aus Silikon mit drei Lamellen, in zwei verschiedenen FarbenMode of Wearing / Trageartear canal OhrkanalWearing in particular orientation / TragevorgabeDiameter 9 - 13 mmDurchmesser 9 - 13 mm
    May 24,2023
  • ES3005 EU Declaration of Conformity
    This EU Declaration of conformity refers to the following products:Product name: Ear plugsModel: ES3005Batch No.: SIAN20210726001The Manufacturer's name and address is as follows:Name: Eastragon International Trade Co., Ltd.This Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer.Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE.Type of product: Ear plugs, Single use, Function: Noise reductionThe article identified in (4) above is in conformance with the relevant Union Harmonization Legislation  Regulation (EU) 2016/425.References to the relevant harmonized standards used, including the date of the standard, or references to the other technical specifications, including the date of the specification, in relation to which conformity is declared: EN 352-2:2002 CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834) performed the EU Type Examination (Module B) and issued the Type Examination Certificate Number: CE-PC-210512-219-01-9A  Product Category:This product is Category III and is subject to Module C2 internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834)This product is Category III and is subject to Module D Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834)
    May 23,2023
  • ES3001 CE Testing Report
    Testing Standards: EN 352-2:2002 (DIN EN 352-2:2003)  Hearing Protectors, General requirements Part 2: Earplugs  EN 13819-1:2002 (DIN EN 13819-1:2003) Hearing Protectors, Tests Part 1: Physical test methods  EN 13819-2:2002 (DIN EN 13819-2:2003)  Hearing Protectors, Tests Part 2: Acoustical test methods  ISO 4869-1: 1990 (DIN EN ISO 4869-1:1991) Hearing Protectors Part 1: Subjective method for measurement of sound attenuation ISO 4869-2: 1994 (DIN EN ISO 4869-2 1995)Acoustics- Hearing protectorsPart 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure levels when hearing protectors are worn DIN EN ISO 4869-2 Corrigenda: 2007Acoustics- Hearing protectorsPart 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure levels when hearing protectors are worn IEC 60268-1:1988Sound general equipment; GeneralISO 8253-2:2009 (DIN ISO 8253-2:2009) Audiometric test methods Part 2: Sound field audiometry with pure tone and narrow band test signals 4.2 Materials Those materials used in parts of ear-plugs coming into contact with the wearer’s skin comply with the following requirements:The materials are not known to be likely to cause skin irritation, skin disorders, allergic reactions nor any other adverse effects to health within the lifetime of the use of the ear-plugs. When subject to contact with sweat, ear wax or with other materials likely to be found in the ear canal, the materials are not known to undergo changes within the lifetime of the use of the ear plugs that would result in significant alteration to those properties of the ear-plugs that are required to be assessed when the ear-plugs are examined for compliance with 4.2 and Construction All parts of ear-plugs are designed and manufactured such that they are not liable to cause physical damage to the wearer when fitted and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Any part of the ear-plugs that is likely to protrude outside the ear canal when fitted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions are of such a construction that mechanical contact with the ear-plugs is unlikely to cause any injury to the ear. When inserted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, ear-plugs are capable of being readily and completely removed from the ear canal by the user, without the use of tools or instruments.When ear-plugs are marked re-usable, re-closable packaging, suitable to ensure hygienic storage between use, shall be supplied with each pair of ear-plugs. 
    May 23,2023
  • ES3101 CE Testing Report
    ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————The type examination proofed that the test samples fulfil the basic health and safety requirements of Annex II of theDirective 8g/686/EEC.This certificate is only valid in conjunction with the following annex (1 page). This document will be invalid in cases oflegal amendment of the assessment basis at latest by o5 December 2021.Die Baumusterprtifung hat ergeben, dass die Prtifmuster die grundlegenden Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsanforderungendes Anhangs II der Richtlinie 8g/686/EWG erfuillen.Diese Bescheinigung ist nur gtiltig in Verbindung mit dem folgenden Anhang (1 Seite). Mit Anderung derBewertungsgrundlage, bzw. spatestens zum 05. Dezember 2021 wird dieses Dokument ungtiltig.Construction / KonstruktionRe-usable, preformed ear-plug made of siliconeWiederverwendbarer, vorgeformter Gehrschutzstopsel aus SilikonMode of Wearing / Trageartear canaOhrkanalWearing in particular orientation / TragevorgabeMarking RIGHT/LEFT: noKennzeichnung RECHTS/LINKS: keineSizing I Grope7/12 mm
    Jul 10,2023
  • ES3125 CE Testing Report
    The type examination proofed that the test samples fulfil the basic health and safety requirements of Annex II of the Directive 89/686/EEC.This certificate is only valid in conjunction with the following annex (1 page). This document will be invalid in cases of legal amendment of the assessment basis at latest by 15 November 2021. The certificate has been issued on a declaration of identity to certificate no 9211602.Die Baumusterprüfung hat ergeben, dass die Prüfmuster die grundlegenden Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsanforderungen des Anhangs II der Richtlinie 89/686/EWG erfüllen.Diese Bescheinigung ist nur gültig in Verbindung mit dem folgenden Anhang (1 Seite). Mit Änderung der Bewertungsgrundlage, bzw. spätestens zum 15. November 2021 wird dieses Dokument ungültig. Das Zertifikat wurde ausgestellt auf Grund einer Baugleichheit zu Zertifikat Nr. 9211602. Construction / Konstruktion Re-usable, pre-formed ear-plug made of silicone with three fins Wieder verwendbarer, vorgeformter Gehörschutzstöpsel aus Silikon mit drei Lamellen Mode of Wearing / Trageart ear canal Ohrkanal Wearing in particular orientation / Tragevorgabe Marking RIGHT / LEFT: no Kennzeichnung RECHTS / LINKS: keine Sizing / Größe 8/12 mm Manufacturing Documents / Produktionsunterlagen Drawings / Zeichnungen Drawing_ES3125.jpg, 1 page, 21.09.2016 User Manual / Bedienungsanleitung ES3125 Silicone Earplugs User Instruction.pdf, 2 pages, 09.02.2017 Bill of Material / Stückliste Bill of Material_ES3125.pdf, 1 page, 21.09.2016 Data Sheets / Datenblätter Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS_PP.pdf), 6 pages, 06 June 2016 Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS_silicone.pdf), 3 pages, 20.09.2016 Further documents / weitere Unterlagen Packaging: (ES3125 packaging layout.jpg), 1 page, 09.02.2017 Own brand agreement, (ES3125 AGREEMENT.jpg), 1 page, 10.02.017 Notice / Hinweis Information according to Directive 89/686/EEC and the above mentioned standards in the official languages of the member states of destination shall be supplied with the products.Die Produkte sind bei Auslieferung mit den Informationen gemäß der Richtlinie 89/686/EWG und den vorgenannten Vorschriften in den Amtssprachen der Bestimmungsmitgliedsstaaten zu versehen.
    May 23,2023
  • ES3304 CE Testing Report
    The type examination proofed that the test samples fulfil the basic health and safety requirements of Annex II of the Directive 89/686/EEC. This certificate is only valid in conjunction with the following annex (2 pages). This Type-Examination Certificate has been issued on the basis of a declaration of identity to 9061302 and is valid until 20 August 2018. Die Baumusterprüfung hat ergeben, dass die Prüfmuster die grundlegenden Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsanforderungen des Anhangs II der Richtlinie 89/686/EWG erfüllen. Diese Bescheinigung ist nur gültig in Verbindung mit dem folgenden Anhang (2 Seiten). Das Zertifikat wurde ausgestellt aufgrund einer Baugleichheit zu 9061302 und ist gültig bis zum 20. August 2018. Construction / Konstruktion Ear-muff with headband, replaceable cushions, also suitable for children older than five years Kapselgehörschützer mit Kopfbügel und austauschbaren Dichtungskissen, auch geeignet für Kinder ab einem Alter von fünf Jahren Wearing in particular orientation / Tragevorgabe Ear-muffs with headband / Kapselgehörschützer mit Kopfbügel Sizing / Größe S / M / L no marking regarding size range / keine Kennzeichnung der Größe Headband Force / Andrückkraft des Kopfbügels not adjustable / nicht einstellbar Marking RIGHT / LEFT / Kennzeichnung RECHTS / LINKS no marking / keine Kennzeichnung
    May 23,2023
  • ES3004 EU Declaration of Conformity
    This EU Declaration of conformity refers to the following products:Product name: Ear plugsModel: ES3101Batch No.: SIAN20221116078The Manufacturer's name and address is as follows:Name: Eastragon International Trade Co., Ltd.This Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer.Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE.Type of product: Ear plugs, Single use, Function: Noise reductionThis Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer. Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE. Ear plugs The product identified above is in conformance with Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the Harmonised standard EN 352-2 2020. CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834) performed the EU Type-Examination (Module B) and issued the Type Examination Certificate as follows: EU Type-Examination (Module B) Certificate Number CE-PC-210113-024-01-9B Product Category:  This product is Category II.  This product is Category III and is subject to Module C2 Internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834). √ This product is Category III and is subject to Module D Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834)
    May 10,2023
  • ES3113 EU Declaration of Conformity
    This EU Declaration of conformity refers to the following products:Product name: Ear plugsModel: ES3101Batch No.: SIAN20221108086The Manufacturer's name and address is as follows:Name: Eastragon International Trade Co., Ltd.This Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer.Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE.Type of product: Ear plugs, Single use, Function: Noise reductionThis Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer. Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE. Ear plugs The product identified above is in conformance with Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the Harmonised standard EN 352-2 2020. CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834) performed the EU Type-Examination (Module B) and issued the Type Examination Certificate as follows: No. EU Type-Examination (Module B) Certificate Number 1 CE-PC-201104-698-01-9F Product Category:  This product is Category II.  This product is Category III and is subject to Module C2 Internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834). √ This product is Category III and is subject to Module D Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834).
    May 10,2023
  • ES3112 EU Declaration of Conformity
    This EU Declaration of conformity refers to the following products:Product name: Ear plugsModel: ES3101Batch No.: SIAN20221221608The Manufacturer's name and address is as follows:Name: Eastragon International Trade Co., Ltd.This Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer.Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE.Type of product: Ear plugs, Single use, Function: Noise reductionThis Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer. Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE. Ear plugs The product identified above is in conformance with Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the Harmonised standard EN 352-2 2020. CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834) performed the EU Type-Examination (Module B) and issued the Type Examination Certificate as follows: EU Type-Examination (Module B) Certificate Number CE-PC-210512-219-01-9B Product Category:  This product is Category II.  This product is Category III and is subject to Module C2 Internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834). √ This product is Category III and is subject to Module D Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834).
    May 10,2023
  • ES3133 EU Declaration of Conformity
    This EU Declaration of conformity refers to the following products:Product name: Ear plugsModel: ES3101Batch No.: SIAN20221221608The Manufacturer's name and address is as follows:Name: Eastragon International Trade Co., Ltd.This Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer.Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE.Type of product: Ear plugs, Single use, Function: Noise reductionThe product identified above is in conformance with Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the Harmonised standard EN 352-2 2020. CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834) performed the EU Type-Examination (Module B) and issued the Type Examination Certificate as follows: EU Type-Examination (Module B) Certificate Number CE-PC-210512-219-01-9B Product Category:  This product is Category II.  This product is Category III and is subject to Module C2 Internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834). √ This product is Category III and is subject to Module D Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834)
    May 10,2023
  • ES3132 EU Declaration of Conformity
    This EU Declaration of conformity refers to the following products:Product name: Ear plugsModel: ES3101Batch No.: SIAN20221201039The Manufacturer's name and address is as follows:Name: Eastragon International Trade Co., Ltd.This Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer.Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE.Type of product: Ear plugs, Single use, Function: Noise reductionThe product identified above is in conformance with Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the Harmonised standard EN 352-2 2020. CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834) performed the EU Type-Examination (Module B) and issued the Type Examination Certificate as follows: EU Type-Examination (Module B) Certificate Number CE-PC-201104-698-01-9F Product Category:  This product is Category II.  This product is Category III and is subject to Module C2 Internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834). √ This product is Category III and is subject to Module D Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834).
    May 10,2023
  • ES3128 EU Declaration of Conformity
    This EU Declaration of conformity refers to the following products:Product name: Ear plugsModel: ES3101Batch No.: SIAN20221201099The Manufacturer's name and address is as follows:Name: Eastragon International Trade Co., Ltd.This Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer. Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE.Type of product: Ear plugs, Single use, Function: Noise reductionThe product identified above is in conformance with Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the Harmonised standard EN 352-2 2020. CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834) performed the EU Type-Examination (Module B) and issued the Type Examination Certificate as follows: EU Type-Examination (Module B) Certificate Number CE-PC-201104-698-01-9F Product Category:  This product is Category II.  This product is Category III and is subject to Module C2 Internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834). √ This product is Category III and is subject to Module D Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB2834).
    May 10,2023
  • ES3101 EU Declaration of Conformity
    This EU Declaration of conformity refers to the following products:Product name: Ear plugsModel: ES3101Batch No.: SIAN20211009003The Manufacturer's name and address is as follows:Name: Eastragon International Trade Co., Ltd.This Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer.Detailed description of the PPE to allow traceability/identification of the PPE.Type of product: Ear plugs, Single use, Function: Noise reductionThe article identified in (4)above is in conformance with the relevant Union Harmonization LegislationRegulation (EU) 2016/425.References to the relevant harmonized standards used, including the date of the standard, or referencesto the other technical specifications, including the date of the specification, in relation to which conformityis declared: EN 352-2:2002CCQS Certification Services Limited. (NB 2834) performed the EU Type Examination (Module B) andissued the Type Examination Certificate Number:CE-PC-201104-698-01-9DProduct Category:This product is Category ll and is subject to Module C2 intermal production control plus supervisedproduct checks at random intervals and is under the surveillance of CCQS Certification Services Limited(NB 2834)X This product is Category lll and is subject to Module D Conformity to type based on qualityassurance of the production process and is under the surveillance of CCOS Certification ServicesLimited.(NB 2834)
    May 10,2023
    This repotis made solely on the basis of your instrucfons andor information and materals supied by you. t is not intended to be a recommendaton for anparticular course of acion. te ek does not accept a duty of care or any other resoonsibity to any person other than the Cient n resoect of this repont and onlacepts labity to the Client inofar as s expressly contained in the terms and conditions governing intertek's provision of serices to you. lntertek makes nowamrantes oreoresentations either exoress or imoled with resoect to ths repot save as orovided for in those terms and conditons. Me have aimed to conduct therevew on a diligent and caretful basts and we do not accept any liablry to you for any loss ansing out ofor in connecton with this reort, in contract, tort, by statuteor othenvise,. exceot in the event of our grss neojoence or winu misconduct. Ths renot shal not be reoroduced unless with orior writen aooroval fom intereTesting Services Shenzhen Ltd.The above limit was quoted according to US 16 CFR Part 1307 for Prohibition of Children's Toys and ChildCare Articles Containing Specified Phthalates.ND = Not detected(less than reporting limit)Tested Component: (1) Green foam (earplug)
    May 10,2023
  • ES3123 MSDS
    The contents andformat ofthis MSDS/SDS are in accordance with REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008,REGULATION(EC) No 1907/2006, Regulation (EU) No 453/2010and EU Commission Directive 1999/45/ EC,67/548/EECHazards identificationClassification ofthe substance or mixtureClassification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008The product is not classified according to the CLP regulation.Classification according to Directive 453/2010/EC or Directive 1907/2006/EC : Not applicableLabel elementsLabelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008: Not applicable.Hazardpictograms: Not applicable.Signal word: Not applicable.Hazard-determining components of labelling: Not applicableHazard statements: This mixture is considered as non dangerous mixture according to the directive 1999/45/EC.Precautionary statements: Not applicableOther hazards: ot applicable.Results ofPBT and PyB assessmentPBT: Not applicable..vPvB: Not applicable.First aid measures.Eye Contact: Checkfor and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately fhsh eyes with plenty of waterfor afew minutes. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention immediately..Skin Contact: No known acute effects of this product resultingfrom skin contact. However, in light of good industrial hygiene.exposure to any chemical should be kept to a minimum.Serious Skin Contact: general state products do not existence the reflect when serious skin contact, But when skin contacthot or Burning rubber awickl make the thermal burns skin into the cold water. then Seek immediate medical attentionInhalafion: If mhaled. remove to fresh air. If not breathing. give artificial respiration. lf breathing is dificult, give oxygen.Get medical attention immediatelv.Serious lnhalation: Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, beltor waistband. Ifbreathing is dificult, aminister oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitationWARNING: When products is burning may release toxic smoke, should as much as possible avoid inhalation of the smoke.Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to anunconscious person. Iflarge guantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothingsuch as a collar. tie. belt or waistband.Serious Ingestion: Not available
    May 9,2023
Other Certificates
  • ES3003 Testing Report
    Attenuation measurements have been performed according to the European Standards EN3522:2020 on the Jiangyin Sian SA-1-3 triple flange earplugs (test ID Q8102A). The specifiedthreshold measurement data were obtained using sixteen normally-hearing listeners. Theselisteners were selected as specified in EN352-2:2020.The measurements were made in a room designed for this purpose. All acoustic characteristicsof the room meet the requirements outlined in EN352-2:2020. The ambient noise levels in thisroom are below the limits specified in EN352-2:2020, and open ear thresholds are used on acontinuing basis to monitor the background noise levels. An automatic recording attenuator wasused to record both open and occluded ear thresholds.Each of the sixteen subjects was tested at each of seven test frequencies. The attached Tablesshow mean and standard deviation attenuation values in decibels (dB) for cach test signal. Theresults presented in this report pertain to the samples tested only.Michael & Associates is accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) National Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for tests performed according toAS/NZ S1270:2002,ANSI S3.19-1974,ANSI S12.6-2016,ANSI S12.42-2010 and EN352 parts1-10. These accreditation criteria encompass the requirements of international standard ISO17025. This report may only be reproduced or transmitted electronically in its entirety. Thisreport shall not be used to claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NVLAP or byany agency of the U.S. Government. Accreditation documentation can be viewed at
    May 9,2023
  • ES3112 Testing Report
    Attenuation measurements have been performed according to the European Standards EN3522:2020 on the Jiangyin Sian SA-1-3 triple flange earplugs (test ID Q8102A). The specifiedthreshold measurement data were obtained using sixteen normally-hearing listeners. Theselisteners were selected as specified in EN352-2:2020.The measurements were made in a room designed for this purpose. All acoustic characteristicsof the room meet the requirements outlined in EN352-2:2020. The ambient noise levels in thisroom are below the limits specified in EN352-2:2020, and open ear thresholds are used on acontinuing basis to monitor the background noise levels. An automatic recording attenuator wasused to record both open and occluded ear thresholds.Each of the sixteen subjects was tested at each of seven test frequencies. The attached Tablesshow mean and standard deviation attenuation values in decibels (dB) for cach test signal. Theresults presented in this report pertain to the samples tested only.Michael & Associates is accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) National Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for tests performed according toAS/NZ S1270:2002,ANSI S3.19-1974,ANSI S12.6-2016,ANSI S12.42-2010 and EN352 parts1-10. These accreditation criteria encompass the requirements of international standard ISO17025. This report may only be reproduced or transmitted electronically in its entirety. Thisreport shall not be used to claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NVLAP or byany agency of the U.S. Government. Accreditation documentation can be viewed at
    May 9,2023
  • ES3004 Testing Report
    Attenuation measurements have been performed according to the European Standards EN3522:2020 on the Jiangyin Sian SA-1-3 triple flange earplugs (test ID Q8102A). The specifiedthreshold measurement data were obtained using sixteen normally-hearing listeners. Theselisteners were selected as specified in EN352-2:2020.The measurements were made in a room designed for this purpose. All acoustic characteristicsof the room meet the requirements outlined in EN352-2:2020. The ambient noise levels in thisroom are below the limits specified in EN352-2:2020, and open ear thresholds are used on acontinuing basis to monitor the background noise levels. An automatic recording attenuator wasused to record both open and occluded ear thresholds.Each of the sixteen subjects was tested at each of seven test frequencies. The attached Tablesshow mean and standard deviation attenuation values in decibels (dB) for cach test signal. Theresults presented in this report pertain to the samples tested only.Michael & Associates is accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) National Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for tests performed according toAS/NZ S1270:2002,ANSI S3.19-1974,ANSI S12.6-2016,ANSI S12.42-2010 and EN352 parts1-10. These accreditation criteria encompass the requirements of international standard ISO17025. This report may only be reproduced or transmitted electronically in its entirety. Thisreport shall not be used to claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NVLAP or byany agency of the U.S. Government. Accreditation documentation can be viewed at
    May 9,2023
  • ES3133 Testing Report
    Attenuation measurements have been performed according to the European Standards EN3522:2020 on the Jiangyin Sian SA-1-3 triple flange earplugs (test ID Q8102A). The specifiedthreshold measurement data were obtained using sixteen normally-hearing listeners. Theselisteners were selected as specified in EN352-2:2020.The measurements were made in a room designed for this purpose. All acoustic characteristicsof the room meet the requirements outlined in EN352-2:2020. The ambient noise levels in thisroom are below the limits specified in EN352-2:2020, and open ear thresholds are used on acontinuing basis to monitor the background noise levels. An automatic recording attenuator wasused to record both open and occluded ear thresholds.Each of the sixteen subjects was tested at each of seven test frequencies. The attached Tablesshow mean and standard deviation attenuation values in decibels (dB) for cach test signal. Theresults presented in this report pertain to the samples tested only.Michael & Associates is accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) National Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for tests performed according toAS/NZ S1270:2002,ANSI S3.19-1974,ANSI S12.6-2016,ANSI S12.42-2010 and EN352 parts1-10. These accreditation criteria encompass the requirements of international standard ISO17025. This report may only be reproduced or transmitted electronically in its entirety. Thisreport shall not be used to claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NVLAP or byany agency of the U.S. Government. Accreditation documentation can be viewed at
    May 9,2023
  • ES3101 Testing Report
    Attenuation measurements have been performed according to the European Standards EN3522:2020 on the Jiangyin Sian SA-1-3 triple flange earplugs (test ID Q8102A). The specifiedthreshold measurement data were obtained using sixteen normally-hearing listeners. Theselisteners were selected as specified in EN352-2:2020.The measurements were made in a room designed for this purpose. All acoustic characteristicsof the room meet the requirements outlined in EN352-2:2020. The ambient noise levels in thisroom are below the limits specified in EN352-2:2020, and open ear thresholds are used on acontinuing basis to monitor the background noise levels. An automatic recording attenuator wasused to record both open and occluded ear thresholds.Each of the sixteen subjects was tested at each of seven test frequencies. The attached Tablesshow mean and standard deviation attenuation values in decibels (dB) for cach test signal. Theresults presented in this report pertain to the samples tested only.Michael & Associates is accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) National Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for tests performed according toAS/NZ S1270:2002,ANSI S3.19-1974,ANSI S12.6-2016,ANSI S12.42-2010 and EN352 parts1-10. These accreditation criteria encompass the requirements of international standard ISO17025. This report may only be reproduced or transmitted electronically in its entirety. Thisreport shall not be used to claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NVLAP or byany agency of the U.S. Government. Accreditation documentation can be viewed at
    May 9,2023